My name is Takatso. I was informed by the doctors that I had a very sensitive cancerous brain tumor, in its third stage. The tumor was spreading and if no surgery was done I was going to die. My parents had postponed the surgery as it was a big risk and requested that the doctors take me through the process of different chemo therapies.
My friend who serves in Command of Faith Miracle Ministries invited me to attend the Prophetic. During the teaching given by the man of God, Apostle Dr. Joshua N. Simeon he called me out and prayed for me, a week later I attended the Solution night program the next week and again the Man of God called me from the crowd and requested I go before the alter and pray because God had already answered my prayer.
I went back to the hospital after the program the doctors took two additional scans and the results came out and the scan could not find any sign of the brain tumor, the doctors could not believe that the cancerous brain tumor had completely DISAPPEARED. The mercy of God gives me another chance at life.