1. The Bible’s Foundation
we believe that God’s Word, when taught in a clear, accurate and relevant manner, provides power for salvation and strength for today’s living. Hence we have the school of ministry running every year(2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:22; Matthew 4:4).
2. The Love of Jesus
We are regularly overwhelmed by the intimate love God has for us through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we value encouraging God’s people to express their appreciation and love to Jesus by coming together as a group to worship Him and through private devotions. We therefore have established Home cells in various areas to encourage one another through the word of God and to fellowship (Matthew 22:37; Psalms 34:1, 3).
3. The Family’s Health
In our 21st century post-Christian society, families face challenges that threaten to overwhelm them. We are therefore determined to create a “family-friendly” environment in the church, build healthy families and have strategies for strengthening our families as part of our ongoing ministry. That is the reason we have woman ministry at CFMM to help strengthen families through women meetings, fellowships and special woman’s days (Ephesians 3:14-16).
4. The Gospel’s Relevance
Every person deserves to have the Good News of Christ communicated in a way that they can clearly understand and relate to. That communication includes relevant language, culture and music. While the message never changes, the methods must adapt in every generation. Therefore, we are determined to learn how to live out our faith in a culturally relevant way, while building bridges of communication to society for Christ’s sake. CFMM as a multicultural church has two services on Sundays English and Afrikaans and promote non racism environment at all times(1 Corinthians 9:22-23; Acts 2:11).
5. The Holy Spirit’s Empowerment
God’s Spirit provides the believer with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. Adopting this value causes us to deliberately carve time into our busy schedules for two-way communication with God (prayer and Bible study), and learn how to walk in obedience with Him (Matthew 6:33; John 5:17, 19; John 15:5).
6. The Leader’s Creativity
Creativity and change is needed in every Christian generation as it asks the question, “How can we best capture and express what God is doing in the culture of our day?” We are determined to reward creativity and accept the risk that goes with it in order to allow ministry leaders to fearlessly and responsibly pursue new methods for bringing people to Christ. CFMM Youth ministry has developed user-friendly programmes activities and events for the year to empower each other through leadership skills Word of Life Scholl of Ministry has also embarked on a mission of developing course materials Leadership programmes(Luke 5:37-38).
7. The Member’s Flexibility
We believe that all members have the obligation to remember our primary mission is to bring unbelievers to the Lord. To this end we may be called on to: give up nice parking spaces, convenient seating, available bulletins, and in general, comfortable lives, in order to give precedence to nonmembers and seekers (Rom 15:1-3, I Cor. 9:19-23).
8. The Christian’s Excellence
Excellence honors God and inspires people. Too often Christians are satisfied with doing the “acceptable minimum” when it comes to their service for God. The Lord deserves our best. Therefore, we are determined to raise the standard of excellence in our worship and service to God (Colossians 3:23).
9. The Body’s Growth
Our desire is to work with God to build a consistently healthy church that is growing both spiritually and numerically. This commitment means that we will regularly celebrate God’s legitimate growth in the church and will encourage the pursuit of methods and policies that will facilitate that growth on all levels (1 Corinthians 3:6-7; 2 Corinthians 5:19-20; Jonah 4:10-11; Luke 14:23).
10. The Church’s Multiplication
Since the early church (as evidenced in the book of Acts), the single most effective evangelistic methodology is planting new churches. Therefore, we are determined to encourage and pursue the planting of new congregations as the Holy Spirit leads (Matthew 16:18; Acts 13:1-3; Acts 14:21-23).
Goals of our Ministry:
1) Arming Christians with the imperishable weapon of faith while exposing them to the ways and acts of Christ as contained in the bible, using the platform of crusades and conferences within South Africa and Around the World (Ephesians 6: 16).
2) Equipping a generation of valiant ministers for a total change in their generation and territory on influence.
3) Reaching the broken-hearted, the sick, the poor, the enslaved trough the sass media that is; the internet, television and radio.
4) Establishing a City of Refuge for the sole purpose of ministering to the needy, orphans, the aged and the less privileged in our society, through the provision of shelter, education, food, clothing etc. (Deuteronomy 15:7, Matthew 25:36 – 40).